January 1: Genesis 1-2; Matthew 1


Welcome to this devotional journey through the foundational chapters of Genesis (1-2) and the opening of the Gospel of Matthew (1). These texts offer rich insights into the nature of God, His creation, and His redemptive plan for humanity. As we explore these passages, we'll discover the continuity and depth of God’s purpose from the beginning of time through the birth of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 1-2 Summary

In Genesis 1-2, we read the magnificent story of creation. The narrative unfolds systematically, with God creating the heavens, the earth, and all living creatures over six days, culminating in His masterpiece – humankind, made in His own image. On the seventh day, God rested, setting a pattern of Sabbath rest for all creation. These chapters reveal God's sovereignty, creativity, and intentionality in creation.

Matthew 1 Summary

Matthew 1 begins with a genealogy tracing Jesus' lineage from Abraham through David to Joseph, Jesus' earthly father. This establishes Jesus’ legal right to the throne of David. The chapter concludes with the birth of Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, fulfilling ancient prophecies and marking the incarnation of God Himself.

Key Theological Concepts

  1. Sovereignty of God: Both Genesis 1-2 and Matthew 1 demonstrate God's supreme authority and control over all things – in creation and in orchestrating history for the coming of Jesus.

  2. Covenant and Fulfillment: The genealogy in Matthew 1 shows God's faithfulness to His covenant with Abraham and David, leading to the birth of Christ, the promised Savior.

  3. Creation, Fall, and Redemption: Genesis presents the perfect creation and hints at humanity's upcoming fall. Matthew introduces the Redeemer who will restore that broken relationship between God and humanity.


In Genesis, we see a world fashioned by a powerful and purposeful God, a world that was 'very good'. Fast forward to Matthew, and we encounter the genealogy and birth of Jesus, the Messiah. This isn't just a story of lineage; it's the unfolding of God's redemptive plan. From the perfection of Eden to the manger in Bethlehem, God is at work, bridging the gap sin created. Jesus' birth is a testament to God's commitment to restore His creation, including us.

Application Points

  1. Recognize God's Sovereignty: In your daily life, acknowledge God's control over creation and history. Trust in His greater plan, especially in uncertain times.

  2. Reflect on Your Purpose: Remember, like all creation, you are made with intentionality. Seek to understand and live out the purpose God has for you.

  3. Embrace Redemption: Just as Jesus came to restore, let His birth, life, and resurrection inspire you to seek reconciliation with God and with others.


Heavenly Father, Creator of heaven and earth, we stand in awe of Your magnificent creation and Your masterful plan of redemption. Thank You for the lessons from Genesis, which teach us about Your power and purpose, and for Matthew, which reveals Your faithfulness through Jesus Christ. Help us to trust in Your sovereignty, understand our purpose, and embrace the redemption offered through Jesus. Guide us in living out these truths in our daily lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.